Here she is, contently squishy, off center to create a negative space that's appealing to the eye.
I wanted to show some more background here and have her close to the camera.
Traditional and sweet.
Full length shots are a must when in their little cocoon.
I just bought this textured blanket, knowing it would make cool mini shadows.
I positioned everyone so that baby was illuminated but you still had a strong sense of mom and dad. One of my faves.
Just a few weeks old and already so expressive! I like this angle of shooting more directly from above. (Another favorite.)
Kate and Chris are really sweet and you could see it here.
I love shooting through doorways and "peeking" in on a scene. As Louisa grows, it will be a nice way for her to see her first home.
Daddy's little girl for sure.
Baby's size in Chris' arms is just so endearing.
I think this is my favorite of the day. Daddy = protector.
When baby is so tiny, I try to shoot many images which they will look back on in awe.
Time for mama...the softness of the bed and traditional pose show's Kate's sense of nurturing.
I like when the camera takes on the perspective of holding the baby. I am literally hovering on a step stool over mom here with the camera strap around my neck for safety.
Mommy's expression takes the cake here. If only children REALLY knew how much we parents truly love them.
I see a mirror and I just need to do a reflection shot. Environmental images like this are a nice contrast to the earlier stylized images.
I think Kate looks so pretty here and just had to show it.
What a fun loving couple.
Natural light. And very content. Also, the blanket has sentimental value is it was made by a deceased great-grandparent.
I love generational shots for so many reasons. I hope they continue to take photographs as a trio of women.

Shooting up like this enables me to focus on the baby and still show mom and grandma.
Sweet baby in sweet light.
I love the way babies position their hands. Had she not held her arms this way, the composition wouldn't work.

I left the session that day with a cheesy grin knowing I witnessed another new family treasuring the sweet first days. So glad you guys booked this session!