I like this candid moment featuring Jesse and her mom during her bridal preparations.

Gorgeous bright flowers.

And a gorgeous bride to match.

Seriously amazingly pretty. It was slightly drizzling outside so we didn't want to go outside for photos yet, but I just had to capture Jesse in natural light. I popped outside, told her to stand in the doorway of her room, shot through some bushes and click.

Hi LeaAnn!

And the hosts of many of my high school sleepovers...Mr. & Mrs. Hutter! (Sorry, just can't call them Richard and Sandy.)

I like blurring the background but still getting a sense of the bride.

Groom John waiting for his bride at the chapel at Manhattan College, where Jesse and John first met.

A dramatic angle during the ceremony.

Best man and bro was clearly happy for this union.

As were the moms.

I know I'm biased with this shot, but I think it's my favorite of the day. It's awesome when there's more than one thing happening in a photo.

Getting some shots on campus (which is lovely, I might add).

The ladies patiently waiting while I was shooting with Jessica and John. I love how casual this is.

Thought I'd incorporate the bride and groom and the guys. A bunch of family and friends that just happened to be really dressed up that day.

Another one of my posed shots that I am really into lately.

Textured in the front with great landscape in the background.

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!

And so very happy.

Formal portrait. I like zooming in close.

Onto the lovely Glen Island Harbour Club in New Rochelle, NY to get some images in the lovely setting before the cocktail hour.

WAY impressed with this very in sync couple!

John, this shot's for you! ;-)

I think this is my favorite image of just Jessica and John. So natural.

Just couldn't get enough of these two.

Jesse's eyes just light up when she looks at her new hubs.

There I go in the bushes again.

Lookin' good John!

Lovely settings in the reception area.

A grand room.

They look so elegant as they dance for the first time as husband and wife.

How every mom should look as her child gets married.

BIG cheers following two wonderful toasts.

John giving his bro a high five during his speech. That is pure joy on his face and I love it.

Rock it, girl.

My competition in a few years.

Another biased shot of my friend LeaAnn. ;-) All kidding aside, I really love capturing reactions like this. It is so nice for the bride and groom to see after the wedding.

John is a great guy, very family oriented, as you can see here with him and his brother.

For the record, I witnessed Jessica giving John FULL permission to do this. (I got your back, John!)

A sweet dance with dad.

And another special dance for the lovely couple. May you dance like this for many, many years to come!

Thank you, Jesse and John, for having me as your photographer. It was truly a special day.
Beautiful photos!