Thursday, May 30, 2013

Post Communion Portraits

Communions have come and gone but photos are still being taken! I always say it's best not to take portraits on communion day, but many people are too busy with the preparations to squeeze it in beforehand. Well, it can always be done afterwards, too. I took these few photos of my daughter's friend the other day.

We started off with a a traditional look.
Here, too.
 Then I started playing around with what seems to be my favorite communion girl angle. ;-)
 Had to widen a bit to capture poofiness.

 I LOVED her shoes.

She was a natural in front of the camera.
 I love how her body language is so relaxed and the veil falls so naturally here.
 How sweet is this? I picture this one on the wall.
 I can't decide if I like it better in black and white? This one almost seems more pensive....?
 What a sweet smile!

I knew I had to incorporate the textured stonework in front of her house. And what a perfect look she gave! One of my faves for sure.
 Back to traditional. I do love these, too. The natural setting adds to the feel here.
 Incorporating more nature.
 I think this is my fave of the day. Great lighting and captures her personality.
 Wide again. Little girls grow big so fast so there always has to be a perspective shot.
 Skipping along. ;-)
After this, she changed into play clothes and rolled around in the grass with her brother and my kids. Ah, it lasts for such a short time....but we got it. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Well, you are one to say when you took pictures of every angle. LOL. It turned out great though. She looks so lovely. :)
